Head shaking.
Napping / bucking or rearing
Sensitivity when being groomed
Unbalanced or one sided when schooling
Not tracking up properly or intermittent lameness
Tripping/ Toe dragging
unusual changes in behaviour when ridden or at rest
Lameness caused by strain / sprain / spasm / tension / fatigue / over-use of a muscle, tendon or ligament
Feeling uneven / asymmetrical / wonky
Irregular gait / movement
Not going forwards
Lack of push / power / energy / movement from one / both hindlimbs
Becoming disunited in canter / gallop
Struggling with canter lead/s strike-off or maintaining canter
Difficulty achieving trot / canter
Inability to weight bear or sit evenly on hindlimbs
Reluctance to bring hindlimbs underneath body
Leaning on the forehand
Shortness of stride
Not tracking up correctly
Difficulty walking up or down hill
Running into transitions
Lifting head during transitions
Inability to stand still or stand square
Inability to achieve correct outline
Losing outline / connection / tempo
Head up, ears back
Hollowing of the back
General stiffness
Restricted range of movement at joint/s
Difficulty achieving or maintaining flexion or bend on one / both reins
Asymmetrical flexion of front / hind limbs over a fence - knocking a pole with one / both front hind limbs
Hard / heavy / uneven rein contact
Head tilting / shaking / grinding teeth / signs of tension and distress
Lack of power / acceleration / strength / stamina / agility
Lack, loss or plateau in fitness and performance
Early onset of fatigue in work
Looking / feeling stiff after work
Taking a long time to warm up
Taking a longer time than normal to recover from work
Lack of harmony between horse and rider
Horse generally unhappy or unhappy in work
Out of character behaviour
Difficult to shoe
Hyper-sensitive to touch, brush or tack up
Napping / avoiding work
To reduce inflammation and swelling in joints thereby alleviating pain.
Enhances muscle tone
Stimulates circulation and releases endorphins ( natural pain killers)
Promotes healing increasing the flow of nutrients to the muscles and releases tension to allow muscles to relax.
Helps maintain the whole body in better physical condition.
Release muscle tension
Improves circulation
Increase range of motion
Helps reduce risk of injury
Can reduce probloematic behaviour